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Aneroid self-taking sphygmomanometer with stethoscope TARGET 001, Velchro cuff, screw valve, measuring range 0-300mmHg, measuring accuracy ±3mmHg.
SKU: 024-01-001


♦ the compartment is fabric (14 x 50 cm), respective construction, which is supported to the bracelet with spinning. the installation of a tired aircraft is sufficient and easy.

♦ the floor air pallet (size 12 x 22 cm), double output, which is fitted with the machine, may be runnessed up to the maximum pressure without frequency frequency.

♦ the tube tubes are sufficiently lengthed, that the examer may be opened to operate on the experience of the examiner.

♦ air catholic injections are manometer and swimming pool with valve.

♦ the air sewing and discharge valve, maintains a switch that adjusts the air input and output.

♦ the pourer is manufactured by a good quality tires. on the rear side air valve, as at front part.

♦ the manometer has metal surface calculated from 0-300 mm hg, with a corresponding hydraulic priority standard and with units of 10 units. the velona is easy to adjust the existence mechanism within the manometer without difficulty.

♦ accessible from "target" aluminum high-quality aluminum head with colored cover, which is loaded up to the compartment at an appropriate point for correct measurement of pressure.

♦ all the set is placed in a protective leather case.